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My Paintings Portfolio

  My Painting's Portfolio Whenever I listed my paintings on Trade Me  I would always waffle on about it and tell my story behind the painting. Today when I was having a tidy up I came across part of an old portfolio of mine that I thought I would share with you all. I've updated it a little bit to keep it current but it's practically the same as what I wrote on trade me... Peter and Paul Painting and music always go hand in hand with me. Often I will get a song stuck in my head and I will have to listen to it and then learn to play it on my guitar.  Some songs may take me hours to learn and others will take only minutes. It's the same with my paintings. As I hear each chord I start to see the painting. "Goodbye Blue Sky" by Pink Floyd was my inspiration for this painting. As you listen to this song you can almost see when the sky clouds over into this dark unknown. Softened by the Toi Toi, this really is a beautiful diptych painting. The video to this song sta
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My Paintings

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Sharpie Coffee Cups

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How To Make Your Fave Jeans Fit 20 Years Later

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DIY Jeans With Lace Inserts

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Edible Plants You Can Grow In Water

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Harvesting Seeds

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