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My Paintings Portfolio

 My Painting's Portfolio

Whenever I listed my paintings on Trade Me I would always waffle on about it and tell my story behind the painting. Today when I was having a tidy up I came across part of an old portfolio of mine that I thought I would share with you all. I've updated it a little bit to keep it current but it's practically the same as what I wrote on trade me...

Peter and Paul

Painting and music always go hand in hand with me. Often I will get a song stuck in my head and I will have to listen to it and then learn to play it on my guitar.  Some songs may take me hours to learn and others will take only minutes. It's the same with my paintings. As I hear each chord I start to see the painting.

"Goodbye Blue Sky" by Pink Floyd was my inspiration for this painting. As you listen to this song you can almost see when the sky clouds over into this dark unknown. Softened by the Toi Toi, this really is a beautiful diptych painting.

The video to this song starts off with a dove flying up into a clear sky. As the music darkens, so does the sky.I have tried to capture this moment. I've replaced the dove with something more "kiwi". I recon a fantail is a good place to start and for me the fantail has always been like a guide in my life. They will visit me when I need clarity or comfort. When my mum passed away and the funeral director was hammering me with questions, I was at a loss. I couldn't think. I was numb. Then this wee fantail flew in through the ranch slider, tweeted a bit and looked at me and then flew away again. From that moment on I knew It would all be ok. And ever since then a fantail comes to say hello on occasion or when I need help. I'd like to think it's Mum visiting me. Maybe it is?!

I like things in pairs and there was a nursery rhyme that said... "Fly away Peter... Fly away Paul... Come back Peter... Come back Paul" and it just so happens that my best mates brother are named exactly that! ;)

Acrylic on 2 stretched canasses each measuring 700mm x 500mm x 38mm. 

TOTAL: 1400mm x 500mm x 38mm.

Sides are painted and is ready to hang. Signed and Dated.

You can hang the paintings as a pair or seperately. The choice is yours.

Lost Your Marbles?

Everyone has day where they feel like they're lo0sing the plot!!! Rest assured you are not alone. One thing that helps me when I find myself in this situation is music. Or remembering that there are many people out there that are worse off than me.

I have a lot to be grateful for. I have air in my lungs, food in my cupboard and a roof over my head. Best of all though.... is I have people who love me.

This fabulously bold n bubbly paintings is sure to brighten anyones day! :)

Acrylic on 2 stretched canvasses each measuring 600mm x 500mm x 18mm. 

TOTAL: 1200mm x 500mm x 18mm.

Sides are painted and is ready to hang. Signed and dated.

Room That Echoes

I've been trying to do wiiiicked as landscapes and skyscapes lately that I almost forgot about my abstracts!!! S00o0o.... getting back to the modern world... may I present... "Room That Echoes". Based on a kiwi 80's song byyyy... I can't remember their name! All I know was that it was Margaret with the short hair from When the Cats Away.

O000k... moving forward 10 years later lol the ladies name is Margaret Urlich and the band is Peking Man!! Thank youuu Spotify!!!

A 1.2 meter abstract on 2 stretched canvasses that is sure to dazzle and wow onlookers. It's truly trendy and unbelievably funky!!! lol

Painted in watercolors (I always thought watercolors were thin and transparent but this watercolor stuff was thick and nice to work with). A simple mix of 3 colors... red, black and white with a little bit of silver for a change instead of my usual gold.

2 stretched canvasses each measuring 600mm x 500mm x 18mm

TOTAL: 1200mm x 500mm x 18mm.

Sides are painted and is ready to hang. Signed and dated. Sprayed with Crystal Clear for protection and added PoPpY vibe! :)

The Haunting

Well I'm trying to learn how to draw lines! I know it sounds silly but sometimes I will look at a line in a picture... I can see which way it's heading but when I put it to practice on the piece of paper in front of me, it alllllways goes the other way!!! Whyyy??? I can't seem to draw it as I see it and it frustrates the patootie out of me!!! I love designing houses but they are always wonky and don't look right!

Moving into today's times... now we have Google Play and a little wee app called Magic Plan!! It's amazing and even computer illiterate idiots like myself can use it. No more figuring out which way the roof goes. You just draw up your floor plan and it puts everything into a 3d image for you. Thank you internet and Magic Plan!!! Ok getting back to the portfolio...

As I drew them onto the canvas, it was not long before i gave up trying to get my lines into perspective. I thought to myself.... who caaares anyways!!! Who said a building... or buildingS had to be perfect? Not like I'm going to be living in it lol As a painting... it works and I am happy as Larry with that ;)

Highlighted with a couple of spatters, a tiiiinge of gold with a splash of green. A picture of the world sits up in the top corner . Set off with a few roses this piece is quite.... haunting.

Acrylic on a stretched canvas measuring 500mm x 600mm x 18mm.

Sides are painted and is ready to hang. Signed and dated.

I've really enjoyed painting this piece. The blue tones have made it quite captivating.

Romeo and Juliet

It was only just recently that I learnt the full story of Romeo and Juliet. The net is such an invaluable tool to research my interests!!!

I'm not actually sure what sparked Romeo and Juliet... maybe it was the rises that I had dried months ago and forgotten about. Or maybe it was something I heard when I briefly went to high school that sparked my interest and I just had to find out exactly what it was? I later found out it was...

But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!--

I had remembered it was something to do with a window breaking!

The Montague's (Romeo's family) and the Capulets (Juliets family) did not approve of Romeo and Juliets love for one another. (kinda sounds like my own relationship matters once upon a time)

It ended in tragedy with Romeo drinking budget poison, Juliet stabbing herself with Romeo's dagger and Lady Montague has died from grief over Romeo's exile. Paris too was also killed. Capulet and Montague make peace and swear to never fight again. They vowed to build solid gold statues of Romeo and Juliet and place them side by side so all can remember their plight.

Acrylic on 2 stretched canvasses each measuring 600mm x 500mm x 18mm.

TOTAL: 1200mm x 500mm x 18mm.

Sides are painted and is ready to hang. Signed and Dated.

I couldn't help but sense some sort of sadness when painting this piece. A truly inspirational story I think to parents. Of course we all want whats best for our kids,,, but sometimes, our kids knows what's best for themselves.

....OMG!! My kids were obviously still young when I painted this piece cos that last sentence is complete BS!!! Since this painting... I've had jailbirds, meth addicts, drug dealing punks as my daughters boyfriends! And not just in one human! There's been several of them. So my advice is, make your own judgements on a person - everyone deserves a chance. But if your instincts are telling you they're no good - listen to them!!!! 

Well I think that's all for now. I have rambled on enough. But it's funny reading things back that you wrote years ago. Back then my mind would speak faster than my mouth, or in this case fingers and i'd write everything that was coming at me as quick as I could. Whether it made sense or not. Now I've noticed that I take more time to write about things and in doing so... it's boring!!! I like rambling and letting my thoughts get away with me. Mind you, I'm not on anywhere near as much medication as I was on all those years ago. Maybe that has something to do with it?!!? Either way, I'm so much older than I was then and slowing down. I'm not as creative and my surroundings are different. But I'm trying to be again.....


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