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Gardening Daily Diary 9.9.20


9 September 2020

Today isn't meant to be much of a day, weather wise, but to me it's perfect. Not too hot and not too cold - its just right. Look at me sounding like the 3 Little Bears! If it wasn't for the gale force Nor' Westers. I can barely stand up let alone my poor wee chickens hanging on for dear life! And the soil is getting blown into my eyes with each spade full that's turned over. Flag that!!! I have plenty of other jobs I can be doing instead of peeling my eyes out with windblown dirt! 

Such as planting some Blackcurrent cuttings...

This is cuttings I took in June. It is now 4 months later and the start of spring is upon us. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Blossom is out on the plum trees and the apple and apricot trees are in bud and starting to bloom too. The new growth on these blackcurrents is pleasing and should be the start of a beautiful high yielding blackcurrent bush. I'll transfer them to big pots and make room for more.

I desperately needed a compost bin or two however looking at these I think I need another one! This was just from one raised garden and a small area where the compost bins are now sitting. Now that's shocking!!! I guess it is 5 years worth of weeds. I'm surprised there wasn't more.

We made this out of 5 pellets and some nails.  The pellets were free from my husbands work and the nails cost next to nothing. I just need to cut one pellet in half now for the front and it's finished. I'm stoked with how much its tidied up that area and better still its creating more soil that my gardens so desperately need.

Next on the cards was to turn over my little Courgette garden. This was when the wind hit hardest and with each flip of the shovel, dirt was spraying straight at me and straight into my eyes. So bugger that!!! Looking at it in this photo it looks bloody terrible actually... like a grave!!! Omg! I will so sort out a border of some sort tomorrow. I can't wait to get some plants in there and get them growing.

My poor grapefruit could do with a haircut. Everybody is surprised at how well it grows here being that I'm almost as far south as you can go.... in the world!!! They don't call us "down under" for nothing. But never-the-less here it is. One grapefruit tree growing off the edge of my deck. Pity I didn't like grapefruit!! Oh well, someone might.

And then you've got my lemon tree on the other side of this grapefruit and we've gone the opposite...

Ummm... excuse me? What is that?? Granted it has had a very terrible start to life. It's been broken more times than I care to remember and I think it may of been run over by the lawnmower at one stage? So I guess it's not going too bad considering it probably shouldn't even be here. Oh well. That's one thing I will invest in this year is some lemon and possibly lime plants. I'll get some decent sized buggers this time and get a good start on life. I have a spot down my hill that I'm considering on growing them on but I think it may be a little bit too windy. I shall do some research before I go willy nilly and plant them where ever.

And then the wind turned cold and the rain started to set in and it was time to go inside. Just as well I got a few photos of todays measly missions so I could spend the afternoon creating more pins for Pinterest and more content for my blogs.


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